C-130 rolling down the strip
64 troopers on a one way trip
mission top secret destination unkown
Don't even know if we are coming home
Stand-up, Hook-up shuffle to the door
Jump right out and count to four
But if my main don't open wide
I've got reserve one by my side
And if that one should fail me too
Look out ground, I'm coming through
And if I die in the old drop zone
Box me up and ship me home
Then tell my momma that i did my best
And bury me in the leaning rest
With those silver wings upon my chest
When I get to heaven,
St. Peter's gonna say
How'd you earn your livin
How'd you earn your pay
And I will reply with a whole lot of anger
Earned my livin' as an Airborne Ranger
Livin' the life of guts and danger

군생활 내내 끝내 외우지 못했다.. ㅠ_ㅠ
다시 군시절로 돌아가면 정말 잘할텐데..
그 시절이 그립다..

'Memory of the life > 끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

구글 면접 후기..  (6) 2007.09.16
카투사 복무신조  (2) 2007.09.06
새로온 1SG  (2) 2007.08.21
카투사의 고민..  (0) 2007.08.20
악..! 손목 부상..  (0) 2007.08.19
General Orders..  (4) 2007.08.16
방문객 1000명 돌파..  (4) 2007.08.14
Army Cadence  (0) 2007.08.08
카투사 화학병..  (0) 2007.08.04
티스토리 시작..  (11) 2007.08.04

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