PLDC감서... 케이던스 몰라서.... 몇개.. 친구들에게 쫄라서
종이에 적어 두었었는데.. ㅋㅋ
고향집에 내려가서 방정리하다 발견한 종이에서~

Here we go again
Same old stuff again
Marching down the avenue
6 more days and we'll throw
I'll be glad and so will you
Am i right or worng?
Are we weak or strong?
Sound off~ sound off
Bring it down~ one two three four~
one~ two~ Three for~


Hey Hey Captain Jack
Meet me down by the rail road track
With your Canteen on your hand~
I'll gonna be a drinkin man~

Hey Hey Captain Jack
Meet me down by the rail road track
With your shot gun in your hand~
I'll gonna be a shotting man~
Shotting man


헬라~리 다리~
헤이~ 라리 다리데이
헬라~리 다리~
We gonna have a party.

9 in the front, 6 to rear~
That's the way we doin here~
9 in the front, 6 to rear~
That's the way we doin here~


The army colors
The colr is red
to show the world
the blood we shed

The army colors
the color is blue
to show the world
that we are true

the army colors
the color is green
to show the world
We're lean and mean

The army colors
the color is white
to show the world
We're fit to fight

The army colors
the color is brown
to show the world
when we're in town


First to fight for the right
and to build the nation's might
And the army goes rolling along
Proud of all we have done
fight until the battle won

And it's hi hi hey
the army's on its way
Sound off the cadence loud and strong~

tow, three, four
Where *** we go
you will always know
that the army goes rolling along


Victory, victory, victory
That's my battle cry

Soldier, soldier, soldier
That's who we are

Country, For duty, honor, country
I'd give my life.

C-130 rolling down the strip
Airborne daddy on a one way trp
Misson uncertain, destination unknown
We don't know if we'll ever come home
Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door
Jump right out and count to four
If my man don't open wide
i dot another one by my side.
If that one should fail me to
Look out gournd I'l comming through
Slip to the right and slip to the left
Slip on down, do a pLF
Hit the drop zone with my feet apart
Legs in my stomach and feet in my heart
If i die on the old drop zone
~`~~~~~~~ 캬오... 기억 안남~
음.. 이 생소한 cadence들은 다 뭘까..

참고로 PLDC는 Preliminary Leadership Development Course를 말한다..

'Memory of the life > 끄적끄적' 카테고리의 다른 글

구글 면접 후기..  (6) 2007.09.16
카투사 복무신조  (2) 2007.09.06
새로온 1SG  (2) 2007.08.21
카투사의 고민..  (0) 2007.08.20
악..! 손목 부상..  (0) 2007.08.19
General Orders..  (4) 2007.08.16
방문객 1000명 돌파..  (4) 2007.08.14
C-130  (0) 2007.08.12
카투사 화학병..  (0) 2007.08.04
티스토리 시작..  (11) 2007.08.04

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